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Empowering Just and Equitable Access to Food and Farmland

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PFC News

Providence Farm Collective - A

July 2024 by Timothy Bigham

Providence Farm Collective - A Refugee Oasis
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If you were to design an individual who could eke out an existence under the toughest of circumstances you might start with a farmer. You might also start with a refugee. And if you started with refugees who were farmers, well then, your drafting table just might be located at Providence Farm Collective (PFC)...

Fruits of MacKenzie Scott grants flow to equity farm projects in Buffalo, Syracuse regions

May 22, 2024 by Debadrita Sur

Fruits of MacKenzie Scott grants flow to equity farm projects in Buffalo, Syracuse regions
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Three organizations received surprise, unrestricted grants from the Health Foundation for Western & Central New York to help improve health in rural communities and promote health equity...

Commissioner of Agriculture Announces Climate Resilient Farm Grants at Providence Farm Collective

May 01, 2024 by Rick Ohler

Commissioner of Agriculture Announces Climate Resilient Farm Grants at Providence Farm Collective
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Almost seven years later, PFC, now comprising 250 farmers from 11 immigrant, refugee and underserved communities working 37 acres of prime farmland in Orchard Park, has risen to such stature that it was chosen to host a significant announcement by the New York State Commissioner of Agriculture Richard Ball...

State grants aim to help N.Y. farmers combat climate change

Apr. 24, 2024 by Brianne Roesser

State grants aim to help N.Y. farmers combat climate change
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ORCHARD PARK, N.Y. — In celebration of Earth Week, the New York State Commissioner of Agriculture visited Western New York to announce the availability of grant funds for climate-resilient farming...

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