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Planned Giving

Your role as a committed Providence Farm Collective (PFC) community member is instrumental to the prosperity of the organization. Thanks to your support and the generosity of donors like you, PFC has been able to provide and empower just and equitable access to food and farmland, a vision that will endure for generations to come.

Since its founding in 2019, PFC’s community of farmers and partners has enabled the organization to purchase its permanent home on Burton Road to provide secure access to land, expand access to fresh produce across our communities, promote fair prices for local farmers, and grow regional connections around food and agricultural traditions. Providence Farm Collective’s Farmer Directed Endowment Fund is a mission-based stewardship program where funds gifted to PFC are strategically invested with the Community Foundation for Greater Buffalo, with the ensuing returns earmarked by PFC farmers for the enhancement of the farm and programs that directly benefit PFC farmers. Grassroots leaders identifying and meeting farmer needs optimizes the impact for PFC farmers and additionally safeguards the farm’s long-term sustainability.

Join us in forging a lasting legacy of building equity in our regional food system through planned giving, so that in time, subsequent generations can access fertile farmland, sow the seeds of agricultural progress, and enjoy continued access to fresh, culturally significant foods. Your commitment today paves the way for a sustainable, just and nourished tomorrow.

Most Common Planned Gifts

Wills and Bequests

Incorporating a donation into your estate plans is a straightforward method of gift planning. Consult with your estate attorney to allocate a portion of your estate to support the mission and work of Providence Farm Collective.

Retirement Plan Contributions

Consider designating Providence Farm Collective as a beneficiary of your retirement plans for a meaningful contribution beyond your lifetime. For further details, reach out to your financial institution.

IRA Distribution Donations

Individuals aged 70.5 or above, obligated to take mandatory IRA distributions, have the option to direct a gift from their IRA to Providence Farm Collective Farmer Directed Endowment Fund through their financial institution. You can contribute up to $100,000.00 annually from your IRA.

Ask your accountant or financial advisor about this approach and its benefits to reducing your mandatory distribution amount, consequently lowering your taxable income.*

*Providence Farm Collective does not offer tax advice. Please contact your accountant, tax advisor, financial advisor, or estate attorney to decide which way to invest in Providence Farm Collective is right for you.

Stock Contributions

Facilitate a direct transfer of stock as a generous contribution to Providence Farm Collective.

Join Today!

Make preparations today to ensure that your passion and support for Providence Farm Collective endures into the future. Your investment has the impact of building sustainability, resiliency, and equity in our region’s food system. To learn more about integrating your legacy into Providence Farm Collective through a planned gift, please reach out to our Executive Director at 716-473-9338 or via email at [email protected], attention Executive Director.